Hello Everyone!
I just have a quick thought for you all today.
Please take time to love and appreciate the people who truly love and appreciate you. I heard an old man say that when you get older and look back over your life, you will be able to count your true friends and loved ones on one hand. When I first heard this, I actually thought it was funny. But as I get older (I'll be 31 on Sept. 18), I am starting to be a true believer.
Maybe you have been hurt by a supposedly close family member that you loved dearly, or maybe you were betrayed by a close friend, or maybe your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend defied your trust. When you were going through these things, who was there for you? When you are down, who do you call on? When you need help, who do you lean on? The first answer to these questions shoud be God, of course. But what about the person/people God has placed in your life to be there in your time of need?
Dont forget these people! Please! Sometimes people you love can hurt you so deeply, you may unconsciously transfer that to the people who are your true and loyal friends and loved ones. But sit down and really think about it. I have recently had to do this myself. The enemy's aim is to kill, steal and destroy. He desires to seperate you from love and acceptance- something we all need.
In conclusion, If someone treats you well and shows continuous and unselfish love to you, dont take them for granted and dont turn your back on them. Show love back! Do nice thing for them. Keep them close and thank God for them! You have a treasure and dont you forget it!
Until next time!!!!
1 comment:
Thank you for that message. my mum has been telling me the same thing.I'
ll be back for more inspiration, thanks
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