Thursday, June 11, 2009

Be Thankful!!!

Hello Everybody!!!

I have a short but sweet message I think we all need to hear!

My cousin gave me the ideato keep a running log of all the blessings both big and small that God gives us. This may sound really crazy to some but think about how easy it is to get wrapped up in what is wrong today, what yiu need now, what bill isnt paid, who let you down today, etc....

Sometimes the new challenges we face can take our minds completely off of what great things God has done for us. I, myself have been guilty of this. For example, I prayed and fasted, seeking God concerning a move my family and had to make. Our realtors had to liquidate our and a couple other of their properties so we had to move quick! We had no extra money set aside for a move and to make matters worse, we didn't even know where we were going to move! I was lost! I was like " Ok Lord, I know you got this!?" (Notice the question mark) I spoke with my realtor/friend and she told me not to worry because she had a place to transfer us to. I told the Lord thank you but then got worried about actually moving! I was literally afraid to begin packing because I didn't see how this move was going to take place! The next thing I knew, the Lo9rd had opened a door that provided us with a moving truck, boxes, dollies, help--- the whole nine yards! I said a quick thanks to God but then began to worry about how we were going to pay to get the utilities turned on. Needless to say God fixed that situation and an d everyonte thereafter both big and small that we encountered. After moving in, I noticed our funds were low (which, if you remember they were from the beginning). I got ready to say something to God when I thought, "Hold up fool! (Forgive me. But for lack of a better word) God has answered your every whim and you have never really stopped to say and really mean ThankYou!" As stupid as I felt, I immediately asked God for forgiveness and thought back on how many other times I had done that.

I gave you this info on myself so that maybe you can apply this lesson to your own lives. God is constantly answering our prayers, but the enemy's job is to take our focus off of what is right and to steer our minds to what is wrong.

Lets be thankful ya'll!

God is good!!!

Until next time!!!

1 comment:

Delonda Burns said...

Beautiful, yes we have to be Thankful, all the time!

Very Great Post!

Peace & Blessings!