Sunday, November 15, 2009

An Incredible Promise from God!

Fear not! For I am with you. Be not dismayed (worried, scared,sad); for I am your God; I will strengthen you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.

Isaiah 41:10


Who Defines Your Future?

Thank God that 'people' dont define our success and our futures!
Many times in life peole will go out of their way to put you in a box by speaking negatively of your plans, throwing your past in your face, tearing you down in any way they can, etc.
Some do this because they dont understand what you are doing, others do it because they are afraid of change and are in a box themselves and some do it simply because they dont want to see you prosper. (Isnt it crazy that some peole honestly feel that they are the only ones that should be doing anything with their lives?)

The devil's plan is to stunt your growth. His aim is to make you feel as though your are not good enough to change, you have done too much wrong to recieve the beautiful things you desire, you aren't beautiful or artculate enough....... He wants to implant this TRASH into your head because he knows that the book of Proverbs tell us that whatsoever we think, we are. (Yes, he knows the bible too!) But he is a LIE!! YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! Why? Because God made you! The same God that created Barack Obama created you! The same God that created Tyler Perry created you! The same God that created Martin Luther King created you! The same God that created the birds, flowers, trees, fingers, toes, arms, legs, .............I could go on and on....... but this is who created you and this is who decides your fate, not what someone says! God even made the mouth that spoke the TRASH! So really, come on!

Whatever God has placed in your heart, Go For it!!! Dont deny yourself your dreams! God has already promised us the desires of our hearts if we put Him first! The devil is a liar and God is the TRUTH!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009


Hello Everyone!

I have found that happiness is a choice. If we sit around and wait on someone or something to make us happy, we are fightng a losing battle. You can make the choice to be miserable or you can depend on God to help you take charge of your life in order to make it what you want it to be. I choose to live a happy and successful life! How about you?

Have a beautiful week!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Inspirational Saying.....

"You can't take everyone where God is trying to take you!!!!"

Are you stopping your "takeoff" from God because you are carrying too much stuff or too many people with you?

Think about it........

Have a beautiful week all!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happiness is a Choice!

Happiness Is A Choice!!

In my life I have been granted the trial of dealing with unhappy people. Not, just your regular unhappy person, but the type of people that will create something wrong if there isn’t. Really! They can literally have everything, everything! But nothing makes them happy! Its so bad with them until they can have the perfect family life, plenty of people who love them and the perfect lifestyle but still- Nothing! They complain about everything. They obsess over nothing. The least thing is the biggest problem. I have seen these people literally run away the people closest to them simply because they are so darn miserable!
Three people very close to me are like this. One of which I had to severely distance myself from. This separation has been hard for me and I asked God, “What lesson am I supposed to learn from these pathetic people? And Lord, why did you place them in my life?” If I haven’t learned anything else, I have learned that they are teaching me how not to ever be.
Happiness can be very hard to come by in life. There will always be some obstacle or some fork in the road with the soul purpose of deterring our happiness but it is our duty to NEVER let that happen!!!! For everything wrong in our lives I can guarantee that we can find something good. For every failure we can find a success. He left you? So what? Are your children healthy? You don’t have any money? Ok, are your bills paid? You don’t feel good? Ok. Can you see? Can you walk? Can you talk? Nothing is going right for you? Ok. So do you know God? Does he have any limits? Your child is having trouble or staying in trouble? Once again, do you know God?
It all boils down to you. Do you want happiness? Are you willing to do what it takes to make it happen? And what about when things aren’t honky dory? What will you do then? Will you succumb to depression? Will you give up? What will you do?
I have decided, I don’t want to be like these people. I don’t want to constantly wander the world scowling, miserable and unhappy. I REFUSE!!!! Being around people like this will drain you. They will rob you of your life, your drive and your ambition.
I implore you today, evaluate your life. Evaluate how you see things and how you speak. We don’t serve a negative God, so we should not be either. Don’t let the evil pessimistic attitude rob you of what God has for you and your life!
Have a beautiful life everybody!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Life Changing Inspirational Phrases

Hello All!

These are some phrases I picked up from my paster, that have helped to change my life. I know they will beautifully affect yours!

Dont be satisfied to survive- THRIVE!!!!!!

Instead of living by default, live by design.

If you have no hope for the future, you have no power for the present.

I was created to be creative!

To those of us with big dreams and ambitions, many times discouragement can rear its ugly head. When it does, realize that this is just part of the process. Accept it but dont give in to it! Shake it off and use your frustration as your motivation to push that much farther!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hello All!

When you pray, do you pray according to your circumstances or do you pray according to God's?

My pastor helped me to realize somthing:

Many times, when I pray for something, especially something big, I find my self saiyng "God, if you could just give me a few dollars", or" God if you just give a little car to just make it around town in", or "Lord could you ease the pain?" Sound familiar?

The question is, How can we place limits on the things we ask God for when He has NO limits?!
There are several scriptures in the bible that prove that.



These are just a couple but clearly some of the most powerful. Did you hear limit or "some of" or "little bit" in any of these scriptures? NO! You read words like, mountains, anything, nations, whole earth! These words represent the potential of what we can accomplish just by speaking to our God.

Lets not limit ourselves. Lets not limit our God! If God says "Anyhthing", then He means Anything!!!

Until next time!!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just a Thought

Hello Everyone!

I just have a quick thought for you all today.

Please take time to love and appreciate the people who truly love and appreciate you. I heard an old man say that when you get older and look back over your life, you will be able to count your true friends and loved ones on one hand. When I first heard this, I actually thought it was funny. But as I get older (I'll be 31 on Sept. 18), I am starting to be a true believer.

Maybe you have been hurt by a supposedly close family member that you loved dearly, or maybe you were betrayed by a close friend, or maybe your spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend defied your trust. When you were going through these things, who was there for you? When you are down, who do you call on? When you need help, who do you lean on? The first answer to these questions shoud be God, of course. But what about the person/people God has placed in your life to be there in your time of need?

Dont forget these people! Please! Sometimes people you love can hurt you so deeply, you may unconsciously transfer that to the people who are your true and loyal friends and loved ones. But sit down and really think about it. I have recently had to do this myself. The enemy's aim is to kill, steal and destroy. He desires to seperate you from love and acceptance- something we all need.

In conclusion, If someone treats you well and shows continuous and unselfish love to you, dont take them for granted and dont turn your back on them. Show love back! Do nice thing for them. Keep them close and thank God for them! You have a treasure and dont you forget it!

Until next time!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Much Do You Love Yourself?

A really good friend of mine from one of my hometowns (Arkansas) has called me crying off and on for the past 10 years concerning the ups and downs of her relationships. They all have a pattern. "Sylvia, he talks to me like I am a dog!", or "Sylvia, he keeps putting his hands on me", or "Sylvia, why does he keep cheating on me, I give him everything!" I have listened to her and talked her through most of her dilemmas but this recent one hit home for me.You see, this last guy seemed to take her through it from the beginning. He was up and down the road in her car, buying drugs with money from her purse, entertaining other women, jeapordizing her job.......I cold go on and on. From the moment they met, I was hearing all these terrible things and I hoped tjis girl hadnt completely lost her mind. Understand something ya'll, my friend, (We'll call her Terri) Terri is a beautiful, successful young woman. She is church going and is working toward her third degree. She has a beautiful home and immaculate taste. She would give the shirt off her back. So with all these things going for her, it was beyond me how she could continue to put up with so much ignorance. So, I finally called her and asked her what was going on. She confirmed the rumors and I was livid! I asked her, "Terri, why do you deal with this mess off this "piece of man"?" Through sobs, she answered, "Because I love him!!!!" After a short pause, my reply was," Ok, girl, but how much do you love yourself?" She hung up in my face.

After a couple of days, she called me and apoligized. She said she didnt know how to answer my question, so she hung up. She told me that it made her think and look at her life in a totally different way. She has kicked the guy out and was still looking for someone special but she promised to take it slow and to take her wants and needs into consideration.

I decided to share that with ya'll because I know and hear of so many women going through similar situations. I have even been there. But in our quest for happiness we lose sight on ourselves. I was in a physically and emotionally abusive marriage for 3 years. It wasn't until I learned to love myself that I decided I wasnt going to deal with it anymore and kicked his trifling butt to the curb!!!

The moral of the story is this: You have to love yourself right first before any one else can.

Until next time!!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An Encouraging Sentence.........

Just a thought for your life........

To do big things, you have to get away from small people.

Think about it.............

Until next time!!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Do Suffer with Dry Skin?

Hello Ladies!!!

Do you suffer from dry skin? When you get out of the tub or shower does your skin itch or flake?

If so, I have some beautiful items for you to try that I swear by:

-Soul Purpose Ghanian Brown Sugar Scrub and Ghanian Brown Sugar Shea Body Balm
-Hawaiian Tuberose Scrub and Shea Body Balm
- Brazillian Jackfruit Body Balm or Custard

These are just a few of my very favorite products that combat dryness and also give your skin a touchable, soft feel and a sexy smell that lasts all day or all night!!!!

Feel free to log on to my site: and check things out! While youre there take a look at the wonderful Soy candles, body washes, health and wellness enhancement products, and so forth! If you are a health and wellness diva like me, then I know you will find plenty of things you will absolutely love!!!! If you have any questions or would like more info on possibly becoming your own boss, feel free to shoot me an email,!

Until next time!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Are you fulfilled?

This is not just a random question. This should come across as a deep and thought provoking question. When I was faced with this question, my answer is no.

Being fulfilled is to feel complete and satisfied in all areas of your life. So I ask again, are you?
If your answer is yes, then I am so happy for you! You have managed to achieve something so many of us are still working toward. But for those of us whose answer is no, we are going to have to first find out why and then determine what we can do to Have our total fulfilment.

Why aren't you fulfilled?
Do you feel like what you want isn't attainable?
Are you afraid to go out and get it?
Do you feel as though you are not good enough for what you want?
Has someone's negative opinion caused you to change your mind?
Are you afraid of failing?
Are you afraid of failing, again?
Are you being held back?by someone? by yourself?

We have all heard the saying that the first step to solving a problem is to first realize that there is a problem. What is the problem? Why arent you where you want to be in life? After figuring these things out, now we can move forward. Understand this: There is no reason AT ALL why we shouldnt have what we want! We serve a God that has no limits! Why do think God has given you the passion that you have? He has given you your passion so that he can manifest himself through your passion. He wants to give it to you! We just have to step out on real FAITH and go for it! Everything will not come all at once. Take baby steps toward your goal and pray all the way. God has promised to see you through!

Until next time!!!!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Get Up and walk!

Hey All!

I would like to speak to those who are down, who feel backed in a corner, who have tried and tried or those who have been kicked down so much, they have no desire to move any further.

At this point you are probably feeling the one and only-Depression.

Let me just cut to the chase, Depression is a trick of the enemy to keep you from moving forward. His job with depression is to keep you stagnant, to make you feel like you will fail, to make you feel not good enough. Look out ya'll! this is a trick!!! The enemy knows that if you keep moving, you will eventually make it through your trial and into your blessing!
Look at it like this:
Depression is like a running toward a finish line. Imagine the athlete heading toward his goal, he is at a steady pace with the goal in eye view, but then out of no where, he falls.......... but he just lays there.The finish line is just a few feet away but he just lays there. What can he accomplish by just lying there? Can he still win? No. Why? Because he is just lying there! Has he lost the race? Noone knows yet but he will if he doesn't GET UP! Is he a failure because he fell? No. He becomes a failure if he doesnt get up!
Dont fall out of the race because you fall, dust yourself off, nurse your wounds and get back in there! You can do it!
What does the song say? "We fall down but we get up!"

Isaiah 60:1 says"Arise, shine; for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."

Until next time!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Be True to Yourself!

Hello All!

I would just like to share a word of encouragement to those struggling with life and decisions.

I have found that in life many people alter their plans, their look, the way they live their life,etc because of their concern with what others tend to think. I have been guilty of this.
I am here to say that this ya'll is a horrible mistake that many of you will look back on and deeply regret. Maybe you want to change your hair, embark on new opportunities, change your career, start a new business...... it could be anything, but your friends will think you are crazy or your church members expect you to be a certain way. You CANNOT base your life's purposes on others. You MUST be true to yourself no matter what!

Over the past few weeks if you have been keeping up with the news, you probably have noticed that there have been a lot of deaths and misfortune. As far as I know, God has blessed us each with our own life and our own purpose. What we do with it is our choice. Whatever God has placed in your heart that gives you joy and makes you feel complete is what you need to oray about and then pursue. Even if it isnt a huge thing, like a hairstyle, Go for it! I get so tired of people that turn their nose up at people who show their creatvity. They figure that just because they dont look the way they want them to look there is a problem. The point is, Live your life to your fullest potential!Mine is different from yours and that is ok. Be you and be true to you!

Until next time!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Product picks

Hey Everybody!

I have run across some great stuff that I want to share with ya'll! Ya'll shhould know by now that I am not going to recommend anything I haven't personally tried myself. So here goes! Let me know what you think!!

Hair Products:

-Root Stimulator Olive Oil Oil Sheen

This stuff is so much more than a regular oil sheen! Not recommended for thin or fine hair types!

-Isoplus Hair Gel (Gold Gel with dark blue top)

Absolutely will not flake!!!!!! Lays down the coursest of hair textures and is wonderful for wrapping!

-Kiss Color Semi-Permanent Hair Color

The absolute strongest rinse out there! The colors are vibrant and true and they last!!!


Anything Iman!!!! Her stuff is wonderful and inepensive!!!!!

Bath and Body

Soul Purpose Sugar Shea and Salt Scrubs

I love all of these but my personal faves are Brazillian Jackfruit, Brown Sugar Scrub and the Ghanian Brown Sugar and Honey!

These scrubs make your skin so soft and smooth its ridiculous! And you smell good enough to eat, especially when you slather on the body balm afterwwards!!!!

For tired feet and Home Pedicures?

Try the Happy Feet Products by Soul Purpose! My favorite!!!!!

In these tough economic times we still need to look and feel beautiful. Sometimes spending money on spa pedicures is not in the budget! Happy Feet Products take all the guesswork out of taking the best care of your feet! It smells and feels wonderful and you will feel so pampered and fabulous its unreal!

Let me know ladies! and dont forget, if you'd like to order products from Soul Purpose you may email me @ or go to the site

Until next time!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Hello All!

Forgive me for my breif absence. As we know, the summer months are times of getaways and vacations. But I am always anxious to get back to what I love, you all!!!

Another reason I have taken alittle while to write is because I have been waiting for the right thing to talk about. I make a point to bring important and uplifting things to the table. In a time where things are so dismal and negative, we need all the positivity and encouragement we can get! Which brings me to what I want to discuss today:

For the past month, I have noticed a lot of deaths. Both in the celebrity world and personally. Thank God noone family wise but deaths nontheless. These happenings really got me to thinking about the journey of life.

While thinking, it came to me that God is very merciful and gracious to us. How many people can you think of that we may call "screw ups" that came through health problems or near death experiences only to go back into the same thing. I know a particular man whose had a stroke and quite a few car wrecks. He has the most wonderful , church -going, loyal wife you could ever meet, yet he treats her horribly. He did so before all of his incidents and still does even now.
I know another man whom cheats and beats his way through life. He is highly dishonest and has absolutlely no conscience, meanwhile he is a pastor of a church.He has been in more life- threatening car wrecks than anyone I have ever known. My husband's best friend was shot around 3:00 a.m. this morning through the chest. He is now in the hospital fighting for his life...............

Ya'll, I am saying this because there is something I don't understand. Do we not realize that God has us here for a reason? None of us are perfect or so spectacular that God has to have us here. We should make the most out of our time here. We should make every effort to live this life that God so graciously blessed us with to the fullest. If God has brought you through a tramatic experience, look back over your life. What have you been doing wrong? What haven't you done that you have always wanted to do? Whom have you mistreated? Is your marriage on the rocks? Do you have a bad habit that needs to be broken? What is wrong with your life? Once you have answered these questions, Repent and then CHANGE IT!!! God has saw fit to keep us here, see another day. People, we don't have to stay the same, we don't have to be stuck. There is no excuse! You can change!! We can do all things!!!!!!!!

By the way, this is for everyone! No matter what type of life you have led, or where you are in life right now, you can change! You can have what you want! No one is so bad or so horrible that God will not bless you if you ask Him. There IS a reason you are still here!!

Until next time!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

I would just like to take this time to wish all of you a happy and peaceful 4th of July. Take this day as a celebration of America's Independence but also in celebration of your independence. Decide today that what ever has been holding you back from accomplishing something important to you will no longer be there. This is the second half of 2009, make it count! Make today the first day of the rest of your life!

Until next time!!!

P.S. Dont forget to visit my Soul Purpose site!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ten Steps to Your Successful Summer Weave

1. For curly styles, I recommend synthetic hair. This hair holds up well in water and you have to do very little to it to keep it up!

2. If you are rocking braids or sewn in styles, be sure your stylist isn't pulling your braids too tight! This can cause pain, loss of hair (esp around the hairline), and scalp damage!

3. Take care of your own hair! Take your weave out every 2-3 weeks if bonded in to shampoo and deep condition your hair. If your hair is sewn in, shampoo and use a light spray leave in on your hair and scalp weekly.

4. Seabreeze works beautifully as a scalp cleanser and stimulator!

5. Between weaves, my best pick for shampoo and DEEP conditionong is Nioxin. They have a formula for chemically treated hair and one for natural hair. This shampoo and conditioner is designed to replenish thinning hair and is great to maintain thickness and the health of your hair while you are wearing weaves.

6. Feel free to express yourself with color! Other people don't define your beauty, you do!

7. A good cut makes your weave easier to deal with and style. Go for layers or a cute bob!

8. Its hot yall! So be sure your stylist installs your weave so that you can rock a cute ponytail! Please don't have to raise up the back of your gorgoues hair, only to reveal tracks, naps and everything else! And don't for get to get an edge! Please!

9.Do it yourselfers! Stay away from CREME bonding glue! It does not hold up well against heat, sweat or anything! I have seen very embarassing accidents because of the wrong glue!

10. Choose a style that compliments you! What you see on someone else is not guaranteed to look like that on you. Ask your stylist his/her opinion, if she says its not for you, ask her how you both can switch it up to make it for you!

If anyone has any questions let me know!

and dont forget to check out my Soul Purpose site to join, be nosy or make a purchase! This stuff is not the bomb, its the grenade yall!

Until next time!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Starting Over......

Starting over............... Wow, what a disturbing thought, or is it?

Starting over from scratch is hard. New beginnings, new places, new jobs, new surroundings, new stuff. No familiar, new.

This is a crazy time in life, an unsure time in life but there is a reason for everything.

In the bible, ( Let me interject and say that if you dont believe in God and His words, then please dont read anything I write.) God has created the best leaders and brought the best out of His people by putting them in a position to where they had to start over. I.E. Mary, Abram, now known as Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Moses, Saul, now known as Paul, etc, etc.

We must remember that God is the master of everything. Half the time we don't know what God is doing but we have to hang on because He is in control. If God places you in a position to start over then He must have your stuff already planned out. He has a reason for placing you where you are and even though this is a rough time (I know, I've been there) know this, God cannot lie and He cannot fail! Phillipians 4:19 says " My God will supply ALL your needs according to His riches and glory." This scripture does not say some or a few but ALL! So in the midst of your starting over, don't forget who you serve and how big He is. Your circumstances do not define God, He defines them!

Until next time!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Check me out!

Hey everybody!

Check out my Soul Purpose website!

also check out (still under construction but still worth a look)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Storm Does Not Stop The Promise

I just have to share with ya'll a message our guest speaker gave us last night!

The title of his message was "There is a Blessing on the Other Side of the Storm" and it was awesome!

He spoke about how God shows us a promise or we pray very hard for something but before we get our promise, up comes the storm! God told us that we would be blessed but He neglected to inform us of the impending storm! We are sitting there excited about what God is about to do when WHAM! The world seems to come crashing down around us! Then there we are, confused and wondering if God really said anything to us at all. Then there we are, praying. Wondering "where is God now? He was talkin up a storm before but now He is quiet. And if God has something to do with this then why amI going through this mess!?"

Look at this though ya'll! The minister went on to say that it is in the storm that God manifests Himself. He told you the promise before the storm so that you can exersice your faith (the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen)as you go through the storm. Sometimes the storm can be so vicious until you can totally lose focus of your promise. The thing is, the storm does not stop your blessing. It does not disqualify you from what God has for you! It only gives God his time to shine in your life! Think about it, If everything is going great in your life and you are blessed with something, what is the difference? God's promises are best made manifest in the middle of total disaster. Need examples? Daniel in the Lion's Den, Jonah in the belly of the Whale, The Egyptians being freed from Pharoh (the whole Red Sea thing?),The Hebrew Boys, Jesus being crucified, need I go on? Think about your own life. Think about a time when you were at a very low time and God delivered you! See what I mean? If you are in a storm right now, you are right where God wants you and you are about to be miraculously delivered!


Until next time!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Come On Get Happy!

Short note today! Big message!

Make the choice to be happy ya'll.

I realize there are a lot of reasons not to be. But there are also a lot of reasons to be. People spend their lives in the search for happiness. But with each new level they reach, there is always going to be something else to reach for. With each step you take there is likely that a new challenge will come with it. So at what point do you aquire the happiness?

Happiness should be a state of mind and dont you dare say there is nothing to be happy about! For every bad thing you can name, there is something good God has done for you! Remember my post on keeping a "blessing log"? If that is what it takes then do that but make up your mind to be happy and positve. Positivity goes a long way in our life's journey. I guarantee you, that if you fill your mind with positve thoughts, you will have a better chance at succeeding and moving to higher heights in your life. The enemy's aim is to keep you thinking negatively and doubtfully so to block good from coming to you. Think about it. How easy is it for God to bless you if you are walking around grumbling? If you are in a negative mind state, you are exhibiting very little faith. Faith is what moves God and although life can indeed throw you some curves, you must remember who is catching the ball. If God be for you, who can be against you? Cast your cares on Him, for He cares for you. But my God will supply ALL your needs according to His riches and Glory....... Need I say more? Okay then. Smile! God's got you! Get Happy!!!!

Until Next Time!!!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Soul Purpose

Hello Everyone!

This one is especially to my ladies!

I need to introduce ya'll to my latest endeavor - Soul Purpose.

This is a beauty, health and wellness line that focuses on enhancing your beauty from the inside out. (Sound familiar?) This line offers everything from delicious smelling body butters , lotions, creams and scrubs, to gorgeously (if thats a word) scented soy candles. Soul Purpose is also partnered with a company called Youngevity. This affiliate provides Soul Purpose with something no other cosmetic direct selling company offers. That is a world class line up of energy and nutritional products as well as a beautiful mineral make-up line.

Ya'll know me, I have to try things before I can tell you about them, you know, cause I dont like to promote something I don't know about personally. Believe me, I am working on this right now! So far I can vouch for the Brazillian Jackfruit Soy Candle. I am in love with candles so when I opened my box and saw it, I took it out immediately and lit it. It smelled sooooo good! It had been burning probably about 20 minutes when I had gone outside to my car and my neighbor came out and started sniffing. She was like girl, what is that smell? I told her about my candle and she was ready to order then! I just didnt have any to sell her! Not to mention, there is an entire line of Brazillian Jackfruit lotions and washes that I cannmot wait to order!

Ok ya'll! As I blog I will keep you ladies ( and gentlemen) updated on what I try and love! So, if you want to order or even become a SoulPurpose Entreprenuer like me, I can hook you up! I have great expectatons!

until next time!!!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

One Day at a a Time..... Sweet Jesus.......

Ya'll know that song? I grew up hearing it and I honestly used to hate to hear the old ladies break otu with it. Thats because I didn't understand it. But now...... I'm praying the same prayer.. Lord help me to take one day at a time!

I am being silly but this little rule is so important to your sanity and vital to acheiving your goals.

As I have said before, there are many of us (including me) with a million ideas and goals. God is steadily blessing us from day to day but we cant relish in our small victories for focusing on the larger ones. In our quest to conquer the world, we need to remember to first and foremost acknowledge God. We must ask Him to order our steps daily. We are to place our desires, dreams and ideas before Him and ask Him for guidance as to how we are to accomplish them.

The bible tells us not to worry about what we will eat tomorrow. As impossible as this may sound to many of us, the message is clear; Place your concerns before God and watch Him take care of them.

From another standpoint, to those having problems, maybe with money, or wondering what you will do after being laid off a job,etc. I understand ! I know what it is like to have a family,fall in a
hard spot and go crazy wondering how you will make it. Worrying is a natural thing but this cannot solve your problem and neither can sending your self into a frenzy trying to figure out everything all at once. It is a must that we learn to take life one day at a time. God has the ability to fix something that would take us years all at once. I know I sound redundant when I get on the subject of faith but it is sooooooo necessary! In my opinion, you can only take life one day at a time, if you have the faith that God is heading your life.

Everybody, God wants to take worry off of us. He wantsd us to stop living life in a rush. He wants us to understand that He has it. Once we understand these things, we will be able to live richer, fuller, more satisfying lives.

Until next time!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Do you need to press the delete button ?

Hello Everyone!

2009 strikes me as a year that a lot of ambitious and goal oriented people are making huge efforts to change. We have a new president, new opportunties presented to us, and many of us are just sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am personally right there with you. That is one of the beautiful things about life, God has given us the ability to change our current situation and not stay stuck in one mindset.

There are plenty of ways to begin again. I love the fact that no matter where you come from or what you have done in life, regardless to whatever, God can change your situation and make your life great. The only thing is, you have to want it. You have to want change and a lot of times it does not come easy. There are steps some of us have to take that are specific to our own situations.

The one step I want to focus on today is one I feel is very important. Particulary because I had to do it.

Delete- meaning to erase or rid your self of.

This one small word could have a very big impact on the outcome of your life. Ya'll it is a fact that those you surround yourself with, whether they are loved ones, friends, relatives, whatever, can influence your way of thinking. Sad to say but, if they don't feel the way you feel or believe in you, it is very likely that your faith in yourself will waver. You may have every great intention in the world but you may feel held back. You may always find yourself dreaming and not doing or you may find yourself in a rut. Whatever the case may be, it could very well be your surroundings and/or the people you are associated with.

In my case, that is excatly where I was. I have wanted to accomplish major things in life for the past years and I always found myself talking about it. I began to look over my life and wonder what was going on? Why do I keep going with the same motions? It was because I needed to see something diffrent to do something diffrent. No one around me had accomplished anything major. Just about neveryone was satisfied where they were. Some of the people closest to me seemed to be happier with me doing bad. It seemed that when I began to make better moves they got angry and even resorted to trweating me diffrently. It took me a while to put all of this together but once I did, what an eye-opener!

If you find yourself in this position with family or friends, don't get angry with them. They can't understand something they have never done. You have to think very clearly about what you want, write it down and go for it! I moved to another state and though I have had some struggles here, this has been one of the best things I have ever done. Many times when you make big moves in life whether it is a career change, a move, a body change,etc. You will encounter adversity. A lady I used to work with was grossly obese and wanted to loose weight. She became tired of talking about it and did something. She went on to lose over 100 pounds in a liitle over a year! She was beautiful! As a result, her husband left her. He actually hated the fact that she looked so good! Pitiful! We can't let people define our lives. Those that are for us will want us to prosper, those that aren't won't. They will feel threatened and try to discourage you. If you find your self dealing with this. Stop. Pray and ask God to remove you from these negative forces in your life and lead you to those who support you. He will! He did it for me.

You only live once. There is no sense in looking back at your life 10 years from now with regrets. The time is now! Use our wonderful president for your example. Imagine how many naysayers he had to delete. And now, he is President Barack Obama!

Until next time!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

You Reap What You Sow.......

When you hear that saying, what do you think of?

Through the years when I have heard this, people say this when referring to someone hurting another person or mistreating someone. You know, "He better stop doing her like that cause you know, what goes around comes around."or " She needs to stop treating people that way, cause she's going to reap that." I could keep going, we've all heard it.

Though this may be true for the negative things, it is also and even more so true for the positive things in our lives.

This is a note to encourage those of you whom have done good by people and don't feel as though their good is being reciprocated. I know that the bible gives us all these guidelines on how we should be:

Love your enemy
Give to the poor
Bless them that curse you
Forgive, forgive, forgive
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Love everyone
Feed the hungry

That is a lot! And that isn't even all! And in being a good Christian person in life and relationships is hard!! Most of the time people don't make it easy (your loved ones included!) My message is to keep doing good. God sees you! I understand what it is like to feel weary and tired of unrelenting people. I understand what its like to feel unappreciated. I totally understand when you want to say Forget it!!!! But remember, God sees you! God feels your pain and He knows your feelings. He is the one who said what you sow is what you will reap! Those were His words and since that is the case, He cannot lie! The good you do and have done will be returned to you! The awesome thing is though is when God returns it to you, it is sooooooo much better than when you gave it out!!!! You will get your good back!!!!!!!!

Until next time!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Be Thankful!!!

Hello Everybody!!!

I have a short but sweet message I think we all need to hear!

My cousin gave me the ideato keep a running log of all the blessings both big and small that God gives us. This may sound really crazy to some but think about how easy it is to get wrapped up in what is wrong today, what yiu need now, what bill isnt paid, who let you down today, etc....

Sometimes the new challenges we face can take our minds completely off of what great things God has done for us. I, myself have been guilty of this. For example, I prayed and fasted, seeking God concerning a move my family and had to make. Our realtors had to liquidate our and a couple other of their properties so we had to move quick! We had no extra money set aside for a move and to make matters worse, we didn't even know where we were going to move! I was lost! I was like " Ok Lord, I know you got this!?" (Notice the question mark) I spoke with my realtor/friend and she told me not to worry because she had a place to transfer us to. I told the Lord thank you but then got worried about actually moving! I was literally afraid to begin packing because I didn't see how this move was going to take place! The next thing I knew, the Lo9rd had opened a door that provided us with a moving truck, boxes, dollies, help--- the whole nine yards! I said a quick thanks to God but then began to worry about how we were going to pay to get the utilities turned on. Needless to say God fixed that situation and an d everyonte thereafter both big and small that we encountered. After moving in, I noticed our funds were low (which, if you remember they were from the beginning). I got ready to say something to God when I thought, "Hold up fool! (Forgive me. But for lack of a better word) God has answered your every whim and you have never really stopped to say and really mean ThankYou!" As stupid as I felt, I immediately asked God for forgiveness and thought back on how many other times I had done that.

I gave you this info on myself so that maybe you can apply this lesson to your own lives. God is constantly answering our prayers, but the enemy's job is to take our focus off of what is right and to steer our minds to what is wrong.

Lets be thankful ya'll!

God is good!!!

Until next time!!!

Be Still.............

I will bet if I was in a room filled with people and I asked them to raise their hands if they were dealing with some major life issus, 90% would raise their hands. Some might even get up and wave for added emphasis!

Boy! Can I relate to this one!

Does this sound familiar?

-You have tried to get loans
-You have begged and pleaded with God
-You have gone to relatives
-You have lowered your standards in hope of getting the man/woman/job,etc
-You have become overly frustrated
-You feel like a failure because you feel like there is nothing more "you" can do

I could go on and on butI think I had better get to the point.

One question: Where is your faith?

Do you realize you are serving a God bigger than any circumstance you could ever face?This is the same God that delivered human men from a fire that never once burned them? This is the same God that placed you in your mother and allowed her to bring you into the world. This is the God you are turning your back to in your time of need!!!!

The bible tells us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us. To cast means to throw! So throw God the mess you are dealing with, the desires you have, the relationships you desire to be mended! He will catch it and handle it! Notice above I put quotes around the word 'you'. This is meant to say that you are not supposed to do anything! What you ca do is irrelevant. God wants the glory! Imagine that? God wants to take care of you, your needs wants and desires and you are not letting Him! He wants to help you and He will if you would just back up, be still and know that He is God!!!

Until next time!!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Just Do It!

Hello Everyone!

I was so inspired by one of my mentors today! I just had to share it with you guys!

Ever notice how a lot of people do a lot of talking about the things they want out of life? They make all these plans but when you see them a year later and ask them about things they are like, " I didn't have time" or " I don't know, I (fill in the blank)". Do any of you see this in yourselves?
Man, I do or should I say, did. was encouraged today to " Walk by faith and not by sight!"

Let us stop letting doubt and fear ruin what our lives can be! If you have an idea, a goal or dream, do what you have to do and go get it! Just do it!!!! Those thoughts and dreams are dropping into your spirit for a reason. I am a firm believer that nothing happens by accident! Our thoughts are stepping stones to what could be. Think about it. You start to think about a bowl of Vanilla Ice Cream with chocolate and caramel drizzled over the top of it. You imagine its creamy texture and its delicious taste. You think about it until those thoughts lead you to your freezer or the very nearest grocery store! You created that vivid picture in your head until it became a reality! You had to have it!

I said this to say, let us stop making excuses as to why we can't and start figuring out how we can! Don't focus on the now, focus on the faith. Focus on the dream. Tyler Perry started out homeless, broke and starving but he never stopped praying and writing his plays. Look what happened!

Let's pledge- no more excuses!! Just Do It!!!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Concerned That Your Hair is "Coming Out"?


I felt the need to write this entry because a lot of my ladies are panicking about their hair when they shouldn't be. The problem is many don't know the diffrence between breakage and shedding. These are two things I have found to be the biggest topics of concern for many ladies I speak to but don't worry! I may have the answers you need.

Let's start with shedding:

Shedding is a normal process the hair must go through daily. It is scientifically proven that the hair must shed at least 100 strands per day. This is part of the cycle hair goes through to make room as new hair pushes through, much like our skin does. This very normal and must happen daily to maintain a healthy head of hair. Shedding hair can be recognized as strands the length of your hair in the comb,etc.
Remember this when taking down braids or weaves that have been up a while. I have a lot of people that call me in total panic mode after taking down these styles because they think their hair is coming out. The truth is (as stated earlier), the hair must go through the shedding process daily, even when it cannot be combed or maneuvered it still goes through this, so by the time you comb through it, all of the hair that has shed combs out together. So calm down! You are not going bald!

Next, The dreaded breakage!

Breakage is definitely a real problem among my ladies with chemically processed hair. Breakage comes as a result of over-processing, coloring, excessive heat, not getting regular trims,etc. Broken hair looks like small pieces of hair that fall all over your clothes and surroundings as you maneuver your hair by combing, brushing ,etc. While this is a problem, it can be stopped if caught in time. The first thing you need to do is to stop and take a look at your normal regimen.
Some tips include:
- Replace your regular relaxer with a good mild one such as Silk Elements Mild Relaxer found in Sally's Beauty Stores

-Make sure when you relax your hair (or when you are having your hair relaxed), you are only touching up your new growth and not the entire hair shaft. Continuously applying relaxer to relaxed hair breaks down the strength the hair and eventually causes it to break.

-Beware of using permanent color on your relaxed or chemically treated hair! This is a guaranteed way to cause breakage. Use cellophanes (rinses) instead. They have no ammonia or peroxide ingredients so they cannot harm your hair!

- Finally, use as less heat as possible! If you must use heat, find and use a thermal protectant product (usually comes as a spray or light creme) first. Sally's and Wal-Mart are chock full of great products like these.

I didnt mention this above but make sure to get your regular trims ladies! This is a must for healthy and no breaking hair. The important thing about this is to make sure your stylist knows the diference between clipping your ends and giving you a full hair cut! This may sound crazy but you would be surprised how many stylists mess this up!

Okay, You have the tips now here is the main event! What do you put on your hair that actually stop breakage? I am glad you asked! There are two products I swear by:

- Aphogee (found in Sally's Beauty)
- Recovery by Nexxus ( a little harder to find but it works!)

I am probably going to get in trouble for sharing that but Oh Well! I am here to help ya'll! Just make sure to read the directions and follow them. You should always consult a pro first but in these times, your own hands are just as good as any!

Until next time!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beauty From the Inside Out

A good friend wanted me to elaborate on the name of my blog page and why it is so important to me. Well, your wish is my pleasure Mr. Revelle!

My passion in life as I have mentioned tons of times before is to make women look and feel beautiful. We all know and recognize the beautiful women (and men) of the world and around us. Outer beauty is eveident. Beautiful hair, flawless skin, well- toned and well endowed bodies (no pun intended), impeccable dressing styles, etc. It is easy to recognize this side of beauty.

Feeling beautiful, or having inner beauty , sometimes isnt so easy. And this is the part I feel I am most passionate about. Between growing up and working in the beauty indsustry, I have seen some of the most attractive women with absolutely no inner beauty. Some were victims of domestic violence. Their mates made them feel like they were nothing. They had spent years hearing and feeling horrible things from a person that supposedly loved them. Others were victims of parents that told them they would never be good enough, or they would never be anything but a good lay (yes, someone's parent told them this). Others boyfriends or husbands abandoned them while pregnant or just because " I can't do this anymore". I could go on and on. I have heard all kinds of things and have even been a domestic violence victim myself. I know what an evil person can do to your insides with their evil words or actions. They can cause you to lose your will to live, to lose your ability to love and be loved. They can shatter your self esteem and make you feel as though you are absolutely nothing.

Developing inner beauty is first realizing that "You Are Fearfully and Wonderfuly Made!" (Psalms 139:14) and next realizing that what has happened to you is of the enemy. His aim is to kill, steal and destroy! He wants you to feel less than. He wants you to think low of yourself so that you will never develop to your full God-Given potential and have the life you desire. I have seen many women come into the salon, pour out their hearts, say they are tired and they want a new 'do to represent starting over only to go back to their same situation. I hate that with a passion because these women are overlooking the beauty and strength God gave them and resorting to weakness. Don't get me wrong. This is not all about bad men and violent situations but these situations are the ones I see most often. Sad but true. Having inner beauty means having strength and confidence, relying on God for everything. Realizing that with God all things are possible and that we don't have to stoop to any level to please someone who is not God.

When a lot of people talk about inner beauty they think about attitudes and people being uppity/stuck-up. I take it alot further than that. In my first marriage, I was married to a man that enjoyed making my life hell. Pregnant or not I was still his punching bag. I can remember going to the YWCA with my baby ( I only had one child at the time- Thank God) and seeing all of those women, so sad and broken. Some of them had two or more kids that had seen their mothers go through un speakable things at the hands of their own fathers and step fathers. I would hear many of them say how many times they had come there. Many of them would stay long enough to recover from broken bones and then return home to have them broken all over again. One lady actually laughed as she told the story of how her husband tried to set her on fire and the only way she could escape was to jump out of the second story window. I found myself trying to console and encourage some of them even though I was in there for the same reason. I had to realize that I was better than that and my daughter WAS NOT going to grow up seeing any so-called man putting his hands on me. Yes, I went through the depression. I went through a period where I didn't want to comb my hair, I didnt want to exist or anything. Many times if it were not for my children and family, I don't know what would have become of me. But I can thankfully say that I called on God and grew some strength and decided to change it.

Ladies, we are beautiful! God made us this way and He is our all and our everything!

Until next time!

Tough Subject----- Forgiveness

Hello everyone!

I apologize for my breif absence. I have been with my family for the last few days and I must say that I rather enjoyed them. While I was away, I was faced with a very important issue. Forgiveness.

I call this subject a tough one because this isn't always the easiest thing to do yet it can command so much power over the advancement of your life.

Allow me to explain.

A very wise man spoke with me one day concerning a member of my family in which I have A LOT of problems with. (Many of you probably share this with me. You know. That one person that has done you so wrong or that treats you badly seemingly whenever they feel like it.) Anyway, I hadn't spoken to this member of my family for a long time and I was perfectly fine with it. I was tired of them mistreating me. I was tired of feeling like all of my efforts were for nothing. I was tired of "looking over" little comments. Ya'll, I was just tired. I finally decided after yet another heated argument that I was done and I meant it. Though I felt free from their antics, I still felt bound by something. I felt like I was in a rut , like I couldnt progress any furthur than where I was at the time. I had no idea that the two had anything to do with each other. As I said above, a wise man asked me about the person and I told him that I was "through". He asked me to explain everything and I did. When I was done, he simply looked at me and said, " How many times has God had to forgive you?" My only answer was , " I don't know and I am not God."Then he said, " What if God said he was through?" Now, I am not gonna lie. I was very shaken but I wasn't going to show it. I began to battle within myself. I started to think, " God, I am not you! You can't expect me to do what you do!". As this man kept explaining I had to keep listening. He told me, "Maybe the reason you feel so stuck in life is because God is holding your progress because of you won't forgive." That made me madder. I am thinking, " How can God hold my stuff because of this ole rotten person? That's not fair!" Later on when I was alone, I really thought about all that was said. He was right. God has forgiven me literally thousands...... millions of times! But I was never as lowdown as this person is to me. Was I?

I decided to pray about it and I wrestled with it for days. I couldn't get around it. So, I decided, ok, Lord. I will forgive this person but You will have to help me with this. I did it and He did. I decided to keep my distance from this person but I have noticed that God has loosed many seemingly closed areas in my life since then.

In conclusion, I realize forgiving someone that has mistreated you is hard but continuing to hold the bad feelings in your heart give this person power over your life, happinessa and weel-being. Whom ever it is and whatever they have done, forgive them. If it is hard, ask God to help you. He will and your over all life will be so much better.

Until next time!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Realize Your Power!

Hello Everyone!

I began to write today's entry with many different ideas in mind. I, personally was dealing with some negative issues and unfortunately they were about to rear their ugly heads in today's blog. I was lead to wait before I actually wrote anything and I am glad I did! I went to church today and my pastor's message focused on reminding us of the power we as God's children have.

So many times we allow circumstances to dictate who we are and how far we can go. Circumstances represent detours, stumbling blocks, blinders if you will. These things are of the enemy. Remember when we spoke about fear? There are certain things that the enemy plant to blind you from what is real. What is real? Jesus. He does not work according to circumstance. Circumstance doesn't even register is His vocabulary and neither should it in ours.

I realize that not having adequate finances is troubling ( I really know!!!), I realize that being out of work is hard, I realize that being in a bad relationship is draining but these things do not define who you are. Where you are in your life at this time does not define you. GOD defines you! God determines your outcome! God determines what you will become! This is where my pastor came into play. He gave the example of shooing off a stray cat. As long as he said, "Cat, please go away", or "Cat, don't you have somewhere else you can go?" The cat simply looked at him as if to say, "Why are you talking to me?" But when he stomped his foot and boomed " Get away cat!!!" The cat just about tore up the pavement trying to get away! The point is, we have to be tired of the enemy and his mess (for lack of a better word)! When we get tired of where we are and DEMAND the enemy to GET AWAY!! He will because he has to. God has given his people power to DENOUNCE the enemy. You might be saying, "Little me? Power? Yeah right." But its true. And its not you the enemy is running from, its the power behind you. It's God!!!

We are joint heirs. What does that mean? We are entitled to whatever our father has. I recall reading a scripture that said the powers of Heaven and Earth are (not were) in His hands.If God has ALL power of Heaven and Earth in His hands and we are joint heirs then what do we have?

Until next time!

Friday, May 15, 2009

A Mode of Expectancy

Hello Everyone!

I have been hearing this all day.....

Expectancy. I looked up this seemingly simple word in many different avenues. I found one definition that I loved!

It says:
  • The state of anticipating. It is a feeling, or energy that is subjective, and can be enhanced through repetition, and programming during meditation. It is necessary for successful goal manifestation.
As I read this I thought, "Man, how powerful is that!
Ok so lets pick this apart, shall we?

" A feeling or energy that is subjective",(subjective meaning personal to one's own feelings and values)

"can be enhanced through repetition and programming during meditation" (can be improved , confidence can be built by repeating and through constant affirmation while meditating or as I like to say- praying)

"It is necessary for goal manifestation." ( No need to explain)


Expectancy basically is a POSITIVE,PERSONAL ENERGY which can be affirmed through CONSTANT PRAYER and is NECESSARY to cause your DESIRES TO HAPPEN!!

I am saying all this to say this:

If you are finding yourself in a funk, you have your dreams and ambitions on hold, or maybe you have been laid off your job. You may have come to a point to where you have had to place your desires on the backburner for whatever reason.

Get Up! Dust yourself off and get in a mode of EXPECTANCY!!!
Start looking for what you have been waiting for! Prepare for it little by little everyday!
Begin believing that God is bringing you closer to your dream everyday and Say It, Aloud!

Speak it!

Thank you God for giving my new home!!
Thank you God for my great new career!
God, I thank you for bringing me closer to my passion!
Thank you God for my new Benz!

Whatever it is, Speak it over and over again daily and thank God for it!

The bible says in Mark 11:22-24:

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain,' May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea', and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything and if you have believed you have received it, it will be yours".

Live in a mode of expectancy for all your desires and goals in life and watch them come to pass!

Until next time!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Summer is Pedicure Season!


A lot of nail salons are gonna be a little ticked off at me for this one!!!

I know a lot of us love going to the nail salons to get our pedicures but with it being a recession and all, maybe some of us cant afford to go as much. I used to wonder how my toenails could be so smooth and pretty after they polish them but when I do it, I have all these lumps and bumps. Well, I have the secret! A little thing called a buffer. You can purchase them anywhere and they are no more than .99 most places. It's simple! After, clipping and filing your toenails to your desired length, simply buff your nails in a horizontal motion a few times until they are smooth. After you have done this and dusted the excess off your nails, apply two coats of your favorite polish and a tp coat! You will be so impressed with your cute little toes, you'll be trying to wear flip-flops all the time!!!

The kind of polish you use makes a difference also but it doesn't have to cost 4 arms and 2 legs! Ulta's brand of nail polish is awesome! The colors are great and a lot of times they have a buy one get one free sale. Sally's Beauty stores have a good line also called Fingerpaints. These colors are vibrant and lasting. Both of these lines also have terriffic topcoats but my personal favorite is the Ulta brand.

Until next time!!

Whenever There Is a Vision, There is a Provision

Ya'll I heard this today and I instantly fell in love with this statement.

I hate to sound redundant but in yesterday's blog we talked about the spirit of fear and God planting dreams and desires into us, then today, I hear this.

Have you ever wanted something bad? A new car, a bigger home, a better job and after looking for ways and praying and seeking and researching you got what you were looking for? You may have thought that you were the reason behind it but no. You had the vision so God made the provision.

The bible says that "Without a vision the people perish". Thais is just a quick note of encouragement to all my people with visions and dreams. Regardless to what people that don't understand you may say, there is nothing wrong with having a vision for your life. A lot of times those of us that have these visions or dreams are cut down by people closest to us. They don't mean any harm, they just don't understand your dream because it is YOUR dream. God gave it to YOU. God wants us to dream and to desire to prosper. With that being said, hold on to your vision by holding on to your faith. Prepare yourself for your vision to come to fruition. Habakkuk 1:2-3 says to write the VISION down and wait for it, tough it may tarry ( or take a while) , wait patiently, it will surely take place and will not be delayed.

So please remember, to keep the faith and don't give up regardless! God is with us in our endeavors. If we continue to seek Him first, He will keep His promise.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


How many times have we heard that scripture?

I have been really hearing it a lot lately and I think the reason why is because I was experiencing this "spirit". Speaking from a personal standpoint, I am a huge dreamer. I desire to do a lot of things that fall in line with my passion. For those who dont know, my passion is to beautify and empower women, in every way imaginable. Through words, physical beauty, enhancing self-esteem, you name it, I want to do it. And I will.

I have learned that you have to be careful what you ask God for because, like the saying says, "You just might get it". That is the stage I am in now. I see God moving in my life through tests and opportunity. I see Him moving me toward my goals. As He moves me, I found myself withdrawing, feeling inferior, feeling not good enough, feeling-fear. I had to ask myself, "If God doesn't give me the spirit of fear, then who does?" Who else? The enemy. Why would the enemy give me the spirit of fear? Because he wants me to fail. He wants to take away from me what God is trying to give me. The enemy wants to cripple us and detour us away from our dreams.

You see, I have found that God plants our dreams into us. Ever notice how most people have something that they are passionate about? Some of the most influential people in the world took their passions and built from them. But they all had their fair share of adversity in the beginning but through perseverance and hard work, they made it happen. Let's not let the enemy steal our dreams. Evidently, the enemy must really think we are on to something if he feels he has to scare us away from whatever it is.


Until next time!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hello Ladies!!! Thinning hair?

Ladies if you have thinning hair as a result of braid tension, tight weaves, stress, etc?

I think I may have found just the thing to alleviate this. Try Nioxin Shampoos and conditioners.
I think I mentioned in a previous blog that I dont recommend anything I haven't tried and loved myself. So let me give you my experience...

So, my hair was fine, I wasn't having any problems but as you may or may not know, I am a weave queen too. I noticed after wearing weaves consistently for a few months, I noticed I could see slight scalp where I couldnt before. I was reading a magazine one day and a stylist mentioned that he shampooed his clients' hair with Nioxin between weaves. I went to the store and found it. (Any SmartStyle in Walmarts everywhere) I used the shampoo and conditoner as my only shampoo and conditioner for around a month. I noticed my hair needed a retouch- like bad! But it seemed weird because I normally go a good 6 weeks before I need one. The next month the same thing happened again! I asked one of my fellow stylists what she thought and we concluded that the Nioxin was creating new growth in my hair and needless to say the thinning spots are gone!

Now I will say that these products together go for like 30 dollars. But I say its worth it. If you are on a budget like most of us and have to get one at a time, I suggest getting the conditioner first. In my opinion, that is what really does the trick! You can really feel something going on with your scalp! And your hair feels soft and silky afterward!

Try this and let me know what you think!!
Till next time!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Beauty for the Inside!

Hello ladies!

I have been gone for a while but I have not forgotten about you. I have been going thru some changes and though I have sometimes felt as though the fight was being knocked out of me, I decided that there is no way temporary setbacks will define me! I am headed towards something awesome and I am not stopping!

Ladies, this brings me to my simple message for beauty on the inside. A lot of times as we face challenges, they dont always go away right away. Sometimes we have to deal with these things a lot longer than expected. Ladies, don't stop when these times come and dont give up! It is during these times that your inner beauty is being cultivated. It is during these times that your beautiful character is being developed and it is during these times that you must be at your strongest. These times are what prepare you for the beautiful things life has to offer. These times teach us to be grateful and to appreciate the little things. These are the times that make us beautiful, patient and wise. More importantly, it is because of these times that we will be able to help someone else!

Thank you for reading and feel free to share this with whomever you like!!