Sunday, September 27, 2009

Another Inspirational Saying.....

"You can't take everyone where God is trying to take you!!!!"

Are you stopping your "takeoff" from God because you are carrying too much stuff or too many people with you?

Think about it........

Have a beautiful week all!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happiness is a Choice!

Happiness Is A Choice!!

In my life I have been granted the trial of dealing with unhappy people. Not, just your regular unhappy person, but the type of people that will create something wrong if there isn’t. Really! They can literally have everything, everything! But nothing makes them happy! Its so bad with them until they can have the perfect family life, plenty of people who love them and the perfect lifestyle but still- Nothing! They complain about everything. They obsess over nothing. The least thing is the biggest problem. I have seen these people literally run away the people closest to them simply because they are so darn miserable!
Three people very close to me are like this. One of which I had to severely distance myself from. This separation has been hard for me and I asked God, “What lesson am I supposed to learn from these pathetic people? And Lord, why did you place them in my life?” If I haven’t learned anything else, I have learned that they are teaching me how not to ever be.
Happiness can be very hard to come by in life. There will always be some obstacle or some fork in the road with the soul purpose of deterring our happiness but it is our duty to NEVER let that happen!!!! For everything wrong in our lives I can guarantee that we can find something good. For every failure we can find a success. He left you? So what? Are your children healthy? You don’t have any money? Ok, are your bills paid? You don’t feel good? Ok. Can you see? Can you walk? Can you talk? Nothing is going right for you? Ok. So do you know God? Does he have any limits? Your child is having trouble or staying in trouble? Once again, do you know God?
It all boils down to you. Do you want happiness? Are you willing to do what it takes to make it happen? And what about when things aren’t honky dory? What will you do then? Will you succumb to depression? Will you give up? What will you do?
I have decided, I don’t want to be like these people. I don’t want to constantly wander the world scowling, miserable and unhappy. I REFUSE!!!! Being around people like this will drain you. They will rob you of your life, your drive and your ambition.
I implore you today, evaluate your life. Evaluate how you see things and how you speak. We don’t serve a negative God, so we should not be either. Don’t let the evil pessimistic attitude rob you of what God has for you and your life!
Have a beautiful life everybody!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Life Changing Inspirational Phrases

Hello All!

These are some phrases I picked up from my paster, that have helped to change my life. I know they will beautifully affect yours!

Dont be satisfied to survive- THRIVE!!!!!!

Instead of living by default, live by design.

If you have no hope for the future, you have no power for the present.

I was created to be creative!

To those of us with big dreams and ambitions, many times discouragement can rear its ugly head. When it does, realize that this is just part of the process. Accept it but dont give in to it! Shake it off and use your frustration as your motivation to push that much farther!